GivingMake a donation now using your credit card or PayPal with our secure online form. Your contributions will help support the Bensenville Community Foundation, a nonprofit organization. At the Bensenville Community Foundation, we believe that Bensenville is a great place to live that gets better all the time. Part of what makes Bensenville great is our commitment to each other. This is a place where people care. Where people want every neighborhood to prosper, every school to thrive, every child to flourish . Giving to the Bensenville Community Foundation is easy and doesn’t require great wealth. No matter how much you give, your philanthropic strategy will be meaningful when it is aligned with your desire to make Bensenville a community where every person can reach full potential. Your gift will help to improve the quality of life in Bensenville by inspiring generosity – Inspiring Good. Impacting Success. Bensenville Community Foundation is a Section 501 (c) (3) charitable organization. All donations are deemed tax-deductible absent any limitations on deductibility applicable to a particular taxpayer. No goods or services were provided in exchange for your contribution. |